Many agents have represented players whose off-pitch issues reflect their poor performance on it.
How many of the following have your players mentioned to you?
Boredom from long hours spent in hotel rooms
Not adjusting to a new club or city
Unexplained dips in performance
Need for ‘babysitting’ through trivial life difficulties
Losing focus due to family and relationship problems
Addiction to gambling, gaming, alcohol or drugs
Lack of belief in their own ability
Club unhappy with player’s attitude
Stress, depression, anxiety and other mental health problems
Issues like these shorten careers. They destroy potential, damage player-club relationships, and reduce players’ earnings. But all of them can be easily managed with the right toolkit.
With my programme, your players develop a personal toolkit to break the limits of belief and handle any situation naturally.
“Thank you for mentally preparing me for the season” – Footballer Client
The power of belief
Why do personal and emotional issues – which have nothing to do with sport – damage a player’s performance and career? Because every player has their own unique personal beliefs about themselves, and these beliefs can be limiting.
Personal beliefs come from our:
Home, school and sporting background
Past experiences, real and imagined
Current life and career situation
It’s well documented in the media and other areas that some players still have major issues with achieving the right balance of mind management, despite clubs putting in place players liaison officers, counselling and player profiling to name a few. Players will have in place at their clubs fitness regimes for both body and mind fitness. I can help them develop and enhance their mind fitness at a deeper personal level to compliment their current regime, helping give them the unseen advantage.
If you don’t believe you can achieve something, you don’t try to achieve it.
Is it any wonder by the time academy players reach 21, seventy five per cent of them will be no longer be playing professional football? What a waste of time and investment that truly is. Seasoned professionals can and do dip out of the game far too early for personal reasons other than physical injuries. Let’s be proactive instead of reactive.
In sport, the best you can be today is not the best you can be tomorrow.
Human beings always act according to what they believe about themselves, and what is possible. My IMPROVE programme uncovers the player’s deep-held beliefs and:
Delivered one-to-one over 8 sessions, and fully personalised for the player’s needs career and personal goals for example their five year plan. An easy way for them and their agents to manage their expectations.
Let me explain a bit more about who I am and how I work.
My inspiration to help footballers achieve their highest ambitions came from an unlikely place.
I was working for Her Majesty’s Prison Service, where I helped young offenders get their lives back on track. I used cognitive behavioural programmes to help them develop new skills and reach new goals.
Football played a huge role even then. The game has enormous power to engage and excite, even for young people who feel like they’ve thrown their lives away. So when my prison organised a partnership with Bolton Wanderers FC, I took the opportunity to use that power. I worked alongside FA coaches to teach football and social skills, and even gained an FA coaching certificate along the way.
I found playing football broke down the barriers between the prisoners and staff. It helped us build a mutual respect and trust, which wasn’t there before. The experience has always stuck with me. Through football, young offenders started to believe in themselves. I still build my client relationships on respect and openness, because real learning cannot begin without trust.
Read more
It’s football that’s my passion though and I’ve immersed myself in the game to ensure I can understand the challenges facing players. In 2018, I became an FA-registered football intermediary (reg. no IMS 00415) after completing my Level 3 training. I have enlisted the assistance of two highly experienced agents, with over 45 years of combined experience brokering deals at the very highest level of the game. With my skills and network, I can give the best support to players and agents as they plan a successful career.
Help the players you represent reach their maximum potential.
Learn more about what I’m about and how working with me can be beneficial for all parties.
YOU have the power to direct your players to gain the unseen advantage and improve their mind fitness.
When a player has the skills to maintain self-belief, stay in control at challenging moments, and focus on being their version of their best self. They can achieve more than anyone thought possible. Contact me to learn more about IMPROVE, my sports therapy experience, and how we can work together.