How footballers can stop ‘parking’ mental health problems today

Football mind fitness coaching by Stephen Kamsika MWFH, MBATh, MSHA

How footballers can stop ‘parking’ mental health problems today

22nd November 2018 Sports hypnosis 0

International footballer David Cotterill spent years hiding his depression – and it eventually ended his successful career much too early.

Clubs and sporting bodies say help is available. But when attitudes in football are reactive, instead of proactive, that help always seems to come too late. And mental health issues are still a big taboo in football.

As Cotterill himself put it in a BBC interview:

“I don’t think you can go to the manager or club and say, ‘by the way I’m not coming in today, I’m going to see a doctor because mentally I’m not feeling great’. It’s not possible.”

It’s time to change all this for the better. In my latest LinkedIn article, I delve further into the problems footballers face and the help that is really out there. Click below to read it.

Read the article on LinkedIn.